Spartan Shields

 Spartan Shields is a mod that add a better arsenal of shields in Minecraft!
This mod adds 2 kinds of shields: Round and Tower.
Vanilla materials can be crafted into a shield:
Wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and obsidian.
It is available in: 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2 and 1.15.2.

Spartan Shields is compatible with:
- EnderIO as it adds the Dark Steel riot shield.
- Botania, Manasteel, terrasteel and elementum plated shields.
- Thaumcraft 
- Thermal Foundation
and more!

Depending on the mods you are running and the materials which are contained within them, more recipes will become available for you.
The following require any mod with valid OreDictionary (1.12.2 and below) or vanilla tag (1.13.2 and above) entry for their respective ingots:

- Copper Braced Shield & Copper Tower Shield
- Tin Braced Shield & Tin Tower Shield
- Bronze Plated Shield & Bronze Tower Shield
- Steel Plated Shield & Steel Tower Shield
- Silver Gilded Shield & Silver Tower Shield 
- Lead Plated Shield & Lead Tower Shield
- Nickel Braced Shield & Nickel Tower Shield
- Invar Plated Shield & Invar Tower Shield
- Constantan Plated Shield & Constantan Tower Shield
- Platinum Plated Shield & Platinum Tower Shield
- Electrum Plated Shield & Electrum Tower Shield

Many of the modded shields have a buff or a unique feature!
This mod is lightweight, fun and amazing if you want more shields in your play through!
The mod author is ObliviousSpartan!
It is constanly being updated!
This can be combined with a great number of mods!

Various Modded Shields

Spartan Shields and Spartan Weaponry combined make a great duo! As one mod completes the other!


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